In the other case, however, you realise it really is a case of Mars vs Venus for the two of you. Conversation feels stilted, there is little in common between the two, your personalities clash… and nothing really works out. Very often, the first few dates will define:
- the dynamic between both of you,
- the expiry date of the relationship
- and whether there’s any potential for a long-term relationship and so on.
An ideal induction program eases employees into their role within the company, Gives them a sense of direction required to achieve mutually beneficial goals, Inducts them to the who’s who of the company. However, it must be done in an impactful manner.
As we develop e-learning induction modules for our clients we focus on ENGAGEMENT.
Through an experiential medium, New hires:
- Get to explore the company (even in the comfort of their home)
- Understand where the company came from,
- Understand what the company aims to achieve and what their part is in that growth.
By the end of it all, you get an employee that has caught up with the company’s progress so far, is aligned with the vision of the company and is ready to add value through his roles and responsibilities.
So, if inductions are like blind dates, it’s best to start off on the right foot.